Friday, February 21, 2014

Who's Bürden Are You Carrying?

                               Carry Someone Today…One day They May Need to Carry YOU!

We live in a society where it's a "dog eat dog" world.  Everyone is out for themselves.  We are not as much our brother's keeper as much as we are "Brotha, what can you do for me?" The biblical principle of "Give and it shall be given back to you…pressed down, shaken together, and running over" is an awesome empowering word of giving…not just in tithes and offering, but of ourselves.  Unfortunately, many don't exercise and unlock the keys to their blessings, because they are always looking for a hand out, rather than giving a hand to help someone else up.  I guess we can define that as "selfish".

Romans 15:1-7 states we are to bear one another's burdens.  But what does that really mean?  Are we to become an enabler for other's weaknesses or cripple their ability to do for themselves?  Certainly not.   However, there are times those around us are weak and need a little help (maybe a little pushing out of the nest).

You may say to yourself; "I'm in no position to help anyone else; I myself, could use a helping hand". I've met so many people in life who have the "Woe is me" mentality.  But always remember, there's always someone worst off than you. Your worst state could be the best state someone else is praying for.  You may also say, "I don't know what to say or how to help them".  Could it be that God is just wanting you to pray for them, give them a kind smile, feed them, give them a word of encouragement serve in some minimal capacity as a volunteer or even guide them to the resources that can best help them?

Our whole purpose on this Earth is to do the will of our Father who sent us. He will give us burdens that He wants us to personally carry.

All to often, we admire other's servanthood.  They are always busy helping others until the point of exhaustion. When we see them going about their day, constantly busy trying to figure out how to help this or that person; we sit in awe and say, "I wish I could be like them" or I wish I had the energy to do what they do".  Could it be they are carrying the burden that once was your's?  Could it be this was the burden God placed on your heart…but you felt you were not qualified for the task or too weak to perform the thing asked of you?  Could it be that God has passed your burden onto to someone else, because you were not willing or afraid to carry the burden place on your heart?   The difference between those who carry other's burdens and you is "they made themselves available".  All God is looking for is a willing vessel.  He's not looking for a perfect person (no such person exists); He's looking for a willing person.

Someone who will look beyond their problems and see the needs of others.  You may carry a burden for the loss, the sick, the elderly, the abused, the addicted, the hurting and broken (and so many more).  The question is:  what are you doing with your burden? Regardless of how weak and frail you are strong enough for someone else. You have something to bring to the table even if it's a simple "I love you".    

Maybe you're not in a position to physically,  financially or emotionally help someone else.  But you have talents, gifts, skills and abilities that are lying dormant in you.  These were given to you, not just for yourself and your family members but they were given to you by God to help bear the infirmities of the weak. There are times we are unknowingly selfish. We only think about "my four and no more." We let other's down on our promises, because we become consumed with "ourselves" more than we should.  Can I enlighten you to something very profound?…someone outside of "your world" needs you and they are depending on you to break through on their behalf.You have what it takes…to carry someone else's burden.

So if you have not done so this week; (Look outside of your family).  Take up your cross and follow God to the person you are suppose to help.  Speak a kind word, apologize, forgive, most of all show the Love of God.  If you have to, place them on your shoulder and carry them through the storm long enough until they are able to stand on their own two feet.  But don't enable or cripple them so that the are overly dependent upon you.

The song that comes to heart for me this week is "Finish Jonathan Nelson".   If you've missed it all week; you still have time…I challenge you to go back and get it right…and Finish Strong.  Then be strong for someone else.

Have an awesome Empowered Week -- Enjoy your worship experience with God and "Finish Strong".
Take your mind off your problem...Choose to be a CARRIER of someone else's burden today

Kelly Jennings
Matters of the Heart
Friday's Empowering Moment

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Who's Bürden Are You Carrying?

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