The State of Our Nation:
A Response to the Ferguson Shooting
What Happens When a Nation Forgets God?
When a nation forgets God…we take prayer out of school
When a nation forgets God…we have shootings, gang fights, murder
and even rape on our school grounds.
When a nation forgets God…we put people in office to support our
agendas for sin rather than someone who has Godly character.
When a nation forgets God…we will let a certain group of people define
what the sanctity of marriage is rather than stand on the word of
God and declare the truth that marriage is only between a man and a
woman whom God created from birth.
When a nation forgets God…men and women are accused of crimes
they did not commit and forced to serve over 39 years in prison…
some have even died pleading their innocence. If DNA has been in existence
for so many years why is it now still taking so long to prove
their innocence?
When a nation forgets God…we call right wrong and wrong right…
When a nation forgets God we discredit the eyewitness of many to
support the statements of one or two.
When a nation forgets God…prosecutors will defend those they are
trying to indict and indict those they are supposed to defend.
When a nation forgets God, it becomes your word against mine, the
“Stand Your Ground” Law becomes more liberal and the only voice
that can speak is the bias voice who justified the killing in fear of his or
her life, while the other voice has been silenced because it was murdered
and left to rot in the streets like an animal that has no soul.
Who stands up for the voice that has been forever silenced?
When a nation forgets God, we are still fighting for the same rights
that our forefathers and mothers were beaten and died for in order to
declare that we were all created equal.
When a nation forgets God…we segregate and draw new city boundaries
to ensure children who don’t have the same social status as the
affluent are placed in low income communities where the classroom
ratios of teachers to students are likely 1 to 28 These very students
are made to share books that should have been updated and/or replaced
over 10 years ago.
When a nation forgets God…we have schools that are 98% black with
teachers that are 98% black and we all fight against and undermine
each other to destroy the credibility of each other in order to keep the
lies of administrative bullying on the down low.
When a nation forgets God…we would rather support the very economic
system that is hindering us on “BLACK” Friday…rather that
fight for a cause on any Friday.
When a nation forgets God…one ethnic group can call illicit
sex…”sugaring” but to the other ethnic group it’s called prostitution.
When a nation forgets God…women are still fighting for equal pay for
doing the same job as their male counterparts and no-one seems to
When a nation forgets God…A grand jury becomes the trial jury; Another
young black child is demonized and no-one in a position of authority
will stand up and say, “Enough is Enough.”
When a nation forgets God…a small community can cause such havoc
that they succumb to the very stereotype that others say about
them which is; “they’re nothing but, thugs, criminals, gang bangers,
murderers and thieves”… then instead of the community proving those
who stereotype them wrong, they happily live up to the stereotypes
without even realizing what they are doing.
When a nation forgets God…a small community of people will destroy
their own communities, take their own lives and invoke anger across
an entire nation and still cry “no justice no peace.”
When a nation forgets God…we deal unjustly against ourselves, call
ourselves names that are so vulgar it’s embarrassing and shoot each
other down…yet we cry “justice.”
When a nation forgets God…the value of life to one is gauged by the
color of ones skin…yet the quality of life is extended to those of a
lighter pigmentation. Whose mentality is “why not take their lives…no
body cares about them anyway?”
When a nation forgets God…another unarmed black boy is gunned
down and a culture of people are politely asked to keep the peace and
don’t fight back.
When a nation forgets God…church attendance is at an all time low…
and sin is at an all time high.
The fact of the matter is we have become a nation who has forgotten
God. What we consider the “law” has been diminished to the song “It’s
you’re thing, do whatever you want to do”
We are society who is living in fear. Fear that is spread from the
school house to the White house. Parents are afraid to send their children
to school, black men are afraid to walk down the street, good policemen
are afraid to protect their own communities, our lawmakers
are afraid to stand up for the truth.
We have become a nation that has forgotten God. Because of this we
have lost our ultimate defense and justice is no longer one word. It
has been divided to “just us”. The sanctity of marriage is being destroyed,
school systems are destroying the lives of our children by falsifying
documents, cheating on test and pushing the best teachers out
of the classroom who are not willing to be quiet about the injustice that
taking place in our classrooms.
We can justify killing people because they wear hoodies, play their
music too loud or they look like demons…yet we can excuse others
who murder their children with the smell of death in their trunk and
they walk away free of any charges.
So what happens when a nation forgets God…we resort to rallies in
the valley…not prayer…we cry for justice, but refuse to look towards a
just God. We push to please society in order to win a vote rather than
win a soul.
We have said that there is not place for God in our schools, in our
courtrooms and some may even believe that God doesn’t even belong
in church.
Are we wrong for protesting for justice absolutely not; Are we wrong
to demand justice in a society where all men are to be treated equal?
absolutely not;
But how far can we go without God? Without keeping God as the forefront
for truth and righteousness? There will be no conviction on the
hearts of men who have turned and has essentially Forgotten God.
We choose not to pray…because the results of prayer may take
longer to see than the violence and retaliation we inject on others immediately.
Is prayer the only thing we should do? Absolutely not; we
should pray and protest; but all of our trust should be in God…not the
justice system.
So much more can be said about all that has transpired, not just this
week, but what has been happening during and since the civil rights
movement. I believe this is what happens when a Nation Forgets God.
Unless we as nation (a nation of all colors) turn back to
II Chronicles 7:14 which says,
“If my people who are called My name will humble themselves,
and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then
I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their
Our land is our nation…and unless we get back to fearing God rather
than fearing each other we will never become:
“One Nation Under God. Indivisible, With Liberty. and Just for All.”
This is my view on the State of Our Nation by Kelly Jennings
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