Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Something We All Need...but desire the least

 As ministry leaders, character is what we need the most but desired least among us.  As we come into the acknowledgment of who God has called us to be, we suddenly realize that we have some serious character flaws.  What we soon discover is that character is simply a virtue that not everyone possesses.   One of the biggest character developments leaders need is patience.   

When I acknowledged my call of a prophet on my life, I thought I was to run out and prophesy to everyone I came in contact with.  Even though I've been serving God for over 20 years, what I didn't realize was that when it came to The Office of a Prophet, I was a novice.   A novice is someone who is inexperienced in a certain area.  What happened to me was the gift manifested itself before my character was developed and I was very immature, unaccountable and full of pride.   

When you are called to a certain ministry,  it's imperative to wait on the maturity.  This takes patience and much enduring of tests that the Lord will fashion you through.  This is where most of us miss it and get ahead of God's timing for our lives and we make a shipwreck of our call.   While the call is always on our lives, by rushing ahead of God we find ourselves having to go through things longer because of unwillingness to wait or exercise patience.

Today, I encourage everyone who is called to the 5-fold ministry and most specifically, those called to the Office of a Prophet, to allow your character to be matured and developed.  It's not as important that you prophesy as is it to prophesy at the proper time.  As you study many of the major prophets, God's process of training was strategic and timely.   He never sent anyone out ahead of his or her time.   

This is difficult for most who are called, because in many cases we don't answer the call on our lives until we are older.  Feeling the urgency to fulfill our purpose we have a tendency to want to hurry up and do what God has called us to do.   I assure you, God knows how much time you have and He will ensure that you will fulfill all that He has called you to do.   

Let patience have it's perfect work so that you may be perfect and mature wanting nothing. Character development is a lifetime event; however, there are some prerequisites that must be fulfilled before God feels you are ready.   Patience is one of them.  The reason we run ahead of God is because we don't want to wait.  However, it's essential to stay on the potter's wheel and allow God to develop us in the area of patience.  When God is finished with us we will gladly say, "It was worth the wait".  

God Bless

Kelly Jennings
Follow me on FaceBook at Prophetess K.Jennings-A Prophet's Place 
 Twitter @aprophetsplace 

One of the biggest struggles a prophet will encounter is "identity crisis.'' For years I fought the fact that God had called me to the 5-fold ministry. As I spent more time in prayer, God began to fine tune my call and assured me to an awesome encounter with Him, that I was called to be a prophet. I fought this because the Office of a Prophet is not well received or accepted in most churches still today.
Today, I encourage those who are called...to allow God to develop your CHARACTER which will help you discover your true identity. In most cases, we tend to want someone to validate us or acknowledge the call that is on our lives. In my case, God prevented this from happening, because He wanted to force me into His presence and deal with me.
-- My past,
-- Every negative word that was spoken over my life,
-- My lack of confidence
-- My lack of knowledge
-- My low self-esteem
-- My feeling of inadequacy
-- And so much more....
I presented all of these excuses to God in order to disqualify myself, just as Moses did.

Yet, God would not release me...instead, He said "these are all the reasons why I've chosen you. I (God) will take the foolish things and confound the wise."
It was here where I settled with the Call and began to become who God said He called me to be. Believe me, when you sit in the background for years...even those who you served with have a hard time accepting what God called you to be.
But because I love God, I had to move in the position in the Kingdom and allow God to validate me and give me my identity in Him.
As prophet's and 5-fold ministry leaders, you will constantly struggle with the Call on your life. You tend to shrink among great people so that you don't 'over step boundaries" whatever they may be.
You will do a lot to pretend not to be ---rather than becoming who God said you are. When we fight God, the Identity crisis escalates and you start to question the call on your life.
Eventually, you will launch and most of the time you will launch alone. This is why I established the "The Prophet's Place"- I realized, If I suffered this, there are many just like me who are struggling just the same.
You may be in the cave, stuck in a religious dogma, controlled by denominations...but God is still calling you forward. What are you going to do about it...Are you going to answer the call or continue to fight the identity crisis?
No more struggling with your Identity in Christ Jesus...break the fear and become who God's says you are.

Consider joining me in Atlanta, March 17-19, 2016 for the Prophet's Boot Camp - cost and more info can be found at http://www.freedomtoliveministries.org/prophets-boot-camp.h…

Additionally, meet me every 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 9pm on the School of Prophets on the Breaking Has Begun Prayer Line
(302) 202-1110 access # 534827#

Blessings to you,
Prophetess Kelly Jennings

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


 Kelly Jennings - Inspirational Blogger

All too often we are embarrassed of our weakness. We mask what we don't know by pretending to have all the answers. We pretend to be strong when we are actually very fearful. Thus we develop a sense of pride in order to impress one another. From this we develop an "identity crisis" within ourselves and begin to hate ourselves because we are focusing too much on our weaknesses and not on the one who gives us strength.

If God has burdened your heart to do or become some thing that your weaknesses keep telling you you're incapable of achieving ..It's because you are looking at your weakness (infirmities) and not glorying in your weakness, as Paul learned to do when God refused to remove his weakness but gave him the grace to sustain and rejoice in his weakness. 

Could it be God desires to use your weakness in order to Glorify Himself?..So that men may see our good works and Glorify the Father in Heaven.

Your greatest weakness could be the very thing that brings you into your greatness...If only you realizes that It's not you but the Christ that Lives in you...for greater is He that is in you than He that's in the world. CALL TO ACTION: Let us stop hiding our weakness and allowing our weaknesses to keep us from our greatness. Instead, let us embrace our weakness and capitalize on the power of God to ‪#‎getitdone‬.


DECLARATION: God use me in my weakness...because when I'm weak...it is then you are strong in me...‪#‎BESTRONGINME‬

I'm convinced that those who succeed the most is not because they are so strong...but because they know who gives them the strength to achieve, breakthrough and endure...THEY GLORY IN THEIR WEAKNESS.

What do you believe is your greatest weakness????

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Principles and Truths for Living

Afraid Of Success?

Are you afraid of success?  I used to be, and it almost kept me from achieving my goals.  I used to think that successful people were smarter and more talented than the rest of us.  WRONG!  Want to know Malcolm Forbes' secret to success?  “Try hard enough.”  New York Times best-selling author Harvey Mackay says,

“People begin to become successful the

 minute they decide to be.”

What about you’re financial and business success?  Are you exactly where you want to be, financially?  If so, hit the delete button right now!  But if you aren't afraid of financial success then you need to keep reading.

Thanks to the Internet, there is a whole new world of business opportunity for ordinary people like you and me.  Through the Internet I've achieved a level of financial success I never thought possible.  The beauty of an Internet business is that you don't have to be a genius, super talented, or well-connected to get ahead.  With a few simple tools and a little persistence you absolutely can achieve financial success.  Mark Twain once said,

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

If you're ready to get ahead and you're not afraid of success, then select the Web site below to explore the possibilities.  We'll take it one step at a time and I guarantee you can get there from here!



Kelly Jennings

P.S.  Have you ever wondered what the difference is between successful people and mediocre people?  It's the willingness to answer the door when opportunity knocks.  Do you hear something?  I think opportunity is knocking…

Can You Trust Your Boss?

Principles and Truths for Living

Can You Really Trust Your Employer?


You don't have to be president of a company to earn thousands of dollars a week!

Millions of people are finding out that today's business world isn't what it used to be.  The days of depending on the “big business” employer for job security and retirement are a thing of the past.  More people like you and me are choosing to put our financial future in hands we can trust—our own!

Web-based at-home business opportunities are allowing ordinary people to achieve tremendous business success on a personal level.

Your financial and career potential shouldn't depend on the whims of your manager or employer.  Through the power of the Internet you can run a business—without the hassle of payrolls, expensive advertising, employee benefit payments, bookkeeping and overhead!

The Internet has changed the way businesses advertise and market their products.  Hands down, the Internet blows away all other forms of advertising, especially for home and small businesses.  Even if you have no previous experience or special training in business management, you can succeed as an online entrepreneur with a few simple tools and a little persistence.

You don't need big investments, fancy degrees or extraordinary talents.  To find out how easy it is to get started just select the Web site below and try it yourself.




Kelly Jennings

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Pain of Starting Again

Let's face it there are times that we all have had to start all over.   The idea of beginning something again can be terrifying.  The thought of all the efforts of planning and trying to re-call, re-connect and re-establish can be exhausting.  However, when the passion of what you lost outweighs the pain of starting again…you go for it.  I recently experienced this myself.  All of my notes, recordings, scripts, connection etc…gone in one exchange.  I felt lost, devastated and totally frustrated.  All that I had accumulated over 25 years was gone in less than 30 minutes. 

At first I took it as a sign that it just was not meant to be.  Then a recalled a famous quote from an extraordinary book that stated, “I good man or woman falls seven times; but the strong one gets back up and begins again”.  So I began to write again, reconnecting again and even establishing new friends and networks.  I discovered the new things I was writing, and the new connections I was making and the new friends I discovered were the exact things I needed to propel me into my next level of living.  

I realized I had established a life of comfort that kept me around the same mindset of people who were literally suffocating the life out of me.  I wanted more but did not know how to go out and get it.  I’d established relationships with people over the years; many of whom I had not spoken to, in over 10 years.   All of my writings were based only on what I ever experienced and people I’ve ever met.  I must inject here; I’ve met some exceptional people in my life, some of whom are still very intricately involved in my life today.  However, I became very comfortable with my surroundings and friendships and I did not look elsewhere for new connections and friendships. 

I soon understood that most of my failure to launch into anything new was fear and fear of rejection. However, the fact that I lost access to my old writings, friendships and connections so suddenly, forced me to come out of my “bubble” and “Start All over Again.”  There are times our loyalty and commitment to others visions and dreams will lock us into a life that keeps us in a systematic life of going in circles but never achieving our own dreams.   In cases like this, I believe things are disrupted in our lives to get us so frustrated that it will cause us to look into another direction.   In my case, I was not reading the writing on the wall and so I was forced to change the direction I was going in order to really see the best that was ahead of me.

There are three main life challenges that I want to talk about that sometimes can cause us to stop dead in our tracks and refuse to begin again.  However, we have to push past the pain of starting over again and become willing to start a fresh new start with new people, new ideas and possibly a new location.

3 Life Challenges That Forces You Begin Again

1.      Traumatic Life Experiences - Whether it is a death of a loved one, a divorce, or a sickness that changed your life forever; there comes a time where this too shall pass.  After the dust of the pain has withered away and you realize you actually survived the very thing you thought would kill you…you suddenly understand...you must move on. You have to begin again. Traumatic experiences sometime leaves a lot of emotional pain that makes it even more difficult to work through the memories of the pain you had to endure. The fear of dating again, opening yourself up to trust again or believing you can go on without the one you’ve loved for so many years is emotionally draining.  When it comes to emotional healing…It can sometimes be so frustrating, because you feel that you are never getting to the root of the problem. Normally, the tears are so great it causes you to throw the onion down and walk away.  But don't let the tears keep you away from your healing.  Instead, be encouraged; deeply rooted hurts are embedded within and are not uprooted easily.  You must return to the thing that brought most tears and deal with the layers of your pain.

Our emotional healing is like the "peeling of an onion". The outer layer is big.  This represents the most recent memory of your hurt that brought the most tears. As you peel down the layers, the tears begin to lesson.  By the time you get to the core of the onion you discover the thing that caused you the most tears and pain is not even something you can hold in your hand.   Suddenly, all the layers of your pain are gone and the tears have faded away.

Go ahead and let the healing begin…Peel the Onion

2.      Loss of a Business, Job or Home - Many of us experienced the unannounced “pink slip let down.” Losing a job as the major bread winner of your home is devastating.  The worry of how you are going to tell the family that the life they have become accustomed to is going to change dramatically.  The possibility that you may lose your home, car, and great school system you worked so hard to maintain has become a reality.

The thought of practicing another 30 second elevator pitch, revamping resume, attending interview after interview is exasperating.  Looking for a new home, a new school for the kids and even a new car all are life changing events that you wish to avoid forever.  Nevertheless, you finally accept that you must do it all again.  However, it’s this kind of life changing experience that may help you realize your true passion and purpose in life.  You see my passion has always been to help others become all they are called to be in life.  However, I was trapped in a “job” that kept me too busy to pursue my passion.  I finally realized my contract ending was a blessing in disguise, because I realized my passion to own my business, spend quality time with my family and help those in my community in their transitions in life from divorce, sickness, incarceration and much more. 

Because my passion was greater than my fear of starting all over again…I took a step of faith and began to walk towards my dreams and visions.  I soon became thankful for losing my job rather than being resentful.  The loss of a job forced me to look in another direction.  I was forced to start writing again, make new connections, network with new people and businesses and come out of my comfort zone. 

3.       Fear of Rejection - Suffering loss in any capacity tends to leave us feeling rejected. The fear of hearing the word “no” over and over again does something to our psychology of thinking.  The fact of the matter is we’ve been there, done that and we conquered.  However, recalling the efforts and time it took to conquer makes one feel that you have no more energy to tread through the mud of pushing past the no, the naysayers,  the negative people and still believe in yourself.   It just does not seem like it is worth the efforts it will take to try and conquer again.  Believe me, I know, as I’m approaching the “baby boomer” club, my energy level is much lower than I thought.  However, my “why” is much bigger than the “no” and the rejection.  I have a legacy that I need to leave with my children and failure or giving up is not one of them.  Follow me on my blog kellyjenningsmoth7.blogspot.com to read more about my thoughts on rejection.

There are of course, many more life challenges that hinder our ability to start all over again.  The end result is…if you want to achieve your life goals and leave the legacy for your family as you desire; you have to push past the pain and begin again.  So here are some generic steps to start again.

1.      Rediscover Yourself:  Before you launch again…take time to rediscover yourself.  Self-awareness is a key element to beginning again. Discover what caused you to “fail” before and make a conscious decision to listen to others who know what they are doing.  Then, choose not to make the same mistake again that caused you to suffer loss before.  This does not apply to those who suffered a death; however, if the loss caused you to go into deep depression and prevented you from going forward for an extensive amount of time, there is certainly something you can rediscover about yourself.


2.      Walk through the Open Door:  Realize there is always a silver lining…see things as the glass is half full rather than seeing it as half empty.  Every closed door suggests that there is an open door somewhere.  You just have to be willing to find it and walk through it.   Many opportunities await you…you must believe that change is inevitable and sometimes good.   Don’t be afraid of what you don’t know or have experience in.  You have the capability of learning.


3.      Tackle the Fear; Don’t Run From It:   Acknowledge the fact that you are fearful, push past the “onion”, peel it and start again.  Fear will always be a part of life.  Though it is not something we embrace, but we do contend with it every day of our lives.  A book I recommend every entrepreneur to read is a book written by Susan Jeffers “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.”   It’s a great book to help you move past hurts, disappointments and rejections and start again.


I hope this reading helps those who are dealing with life challenges and needed a bit of encouragement to start again.  These are my daily affirmations that I rehearse in my life, because let’s face it we all have dealt with set-backs in our careers, on our jobs, in our businesses and certainly in our relationships.  There comes a time we have to face the honest truth that we may have to re-group, re-vamp and even re-brand our image.  But the truth remains, we all have to start again at some point in our lives.  Like Nike “Just Do It”… So whatever it is, whether it’s a new job, business, relationship, education, weight loss etc…let every set-back become your motivation to “Start Again”

Kelly Jennings

Certified Travel Consultant



Monday, March 30, 2015


I've recruited many people in several business ventures.  I was fortunate to bring some exceptional players on my teams.  On the flip side, I've had some not so motivated individuals who eventually quit the business before they even got started.

It became more of a convincing them to stick with it; rather that developing them to be strong earners in the business.  What I realized was there were warning signs that in my zeal to build a business, I overlooked.  These warning signs were consistent with most of the people I had to consistently motivate to keep them excited about earning lucrative income.   Ironically, there were three main reasons why they joined the  business.  Consequently, the 3 reasons were the same reasons when they chose to quit the business.  
The 3 reasons were...

1.   My job keeps me so busy...I'm too exhausted to work a business once I get home.

2.  I really need the money...but I just don't have time to do anything right now.

3.   I need a sure income...building a business is too much hard work.

The fact of the matter is most people who have an entrepreneur mind, see the above "excuses" as  great reasons to start their own business. The truth is, if you are in need of money and the job you are on can't or never will suffice your financial needs...then You Need to Start a Business.   If your job keeps you so busy that you have not time for yourself...You Need to Start a Business.  If you need  sure income and working hard on your job for limited income...You Need to Start a Business.  

If you are going to work hard...why not work hard for yourself?  

Lessons I learned from my recruiting is...

1.  Don't  try to convince anyone of their own potential...they will need to know it for themselves.

2.  If they have excuses not to start a business...it will be the same excuses they use when they want to quit.

3.  Everyone who wants to earn residual income is not an entrepreneur--- stop trying to convince them that they are.  

The fact is that most people become business owners for the same excuses others don't.

1.  They are too busy on their job and need more time to themselves or with their families.

2.  They need more money and will move unnecessary things off their plates to make time to build their business.

3.  They prefer residual income rather than limited income living from paycheck to paycheck.  l

If you want to be successful in anything you have to remove the excuses and make a conscious decision NEVER to entertain them again.

I'm looking for 5 motivated individual who can recognize a great opportunity, remove the excuses and be willing to BUILD  residual income. 

Kelly Jennings
Matters of the Heart

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Xlerate The Mind

It's not until you become Kingdom Minded do you realize all that you've missed out on.  I thought I was Kingdom Minded until one day a light bulb went off in my head and I realized I had been avoiding success, prosperity, health and strong relationships because of my own insecurities.   I wasn't jealous of others who had these things, I just kept saying "all that is not necessary".  For example, I recently visited a beautiful custom made 12,000 sq ft home of  a very good friend of my husband.   While I have a house half that size, I never wanted to visit his house; not because I didn't want to see it; but because I thought I was setting myself up for disappointment.  I thought "Why should I look at something that I will never have".   You see, I do life coaching to  many people on a daily basis.  I encourage them to set their goals to reach their dreams weather it is a business, home, ministry, education etc...I tell them to believe that they have it and don't let anyone deter them from reaching their goals. 

Unfortunately, I found it hard for me to apply these very things I teach to others to myself.   Since Dr. Myles Munroe, a giant in the Kingdom passed away,  I've been so engulfed to listen to his teachings on the Kingdom.  Mind you, while he was alive, though I had nothing but great respect for his work he has done for so many people,  I was not a loyal follower as much as I am now that he has passed away.  "His legacy lives on."   As I began to listen to his teachings, there was something that ignited in me.  This ignition broke the depression, the fear, the fear of rejection, the feelings of inadequacies and insecurities.  I felt so much freedom break forth in me...and my dreams that I have suppressed had come  back alive in me.  My mind has been renewed and my ambitions have been restored.  You see, when I turned 49, I went into a state of depression, because I felt I was running out of time and I would not be able to reach my life goals...so I stopped believing the home my husband's friend had was even reachable. 

Now, my mind has changed towards it...I believe that all things is possible to him that believes.  However, the thoughts that had me in bondage, believing I would never achieve , has shifted to "IF I WANT IT...I CAN HAVE IT".   What I'm saying now is, I don't discredit the idea of having an abundant life, but I've taken control of my thoughts and now I realize I have control of my destiny with the power of God working in my life. Now, I know if I don't get it, it's because I didn't want it not because I didn't believe I could have it. This paradigm shift has done great things for my time management, business ventures, and my belief in the promises that have been made to me.  

My paradigm shift about the Kingdom Of God has taken me to a higher dimension of thinking where truly I believe that what is for me is already there.  Ironically, I was recently shopping in SAMS club, I had very limited money to spend.  However, I was so enraged with excitement about Kingdom living, that I was shopping as if I had millions of dollars in my bank account.   I had to shake myself and realize, "I believe that my abundance is coming; but I must have patience in waiting for the full manifestation.  I realize now that the "battle of the mind" is 99% of the problem.  What you think you eventually will become.  Because if we can have the faith of a mustard seed to believe..".My faith becomes my reality."   Nobody, can stop you when you move in to the Kingdom mindset and believe as an Ambassador of Christ, you have citizenship rights that belong only to those who live in the Kingdom.

My Kingdom minded reality is so contagious that I sometimes forget that not everyone has received the Kingdom and are still living in the bondage of their mind or in a religious mindset (more teaching about this will come). 

Recently God spoke so profoundly to me and stated:

"When you have elevated your mind to another dimension of thinking; you have encountered another level of God's Glory.  This can't be revealed to you unless you've crossed over into the Kingdom.  He went on to explain to me that when you've reached a certain pinnacle of your thinking; You won't have to be concerned with cutting off soul-ties; because they will repel themselves away from you because You've exceeded their mental capacity to handle you".  I believe this was not just spoken to me, but for all those who have been trying to make sense with what is going on in your life. 

Understanding this does not put me in judgment of others inability to "XLerate" their minds, but it helps me to pray for them even the more...because they just don't know what they are missing out on by staying in the past and the bondage of their minds. There is so much righteousness, peace and Joy in the Kingdom. 

So today, I encourage you all the receive the Kingdom of God...repent and change your mind about that which has be shown to you and accept that God sent His Son so that we can have life and that more abundantly.  Abundant life is not just enough to get by, but it is the overflow of having enough to give to others.  I'm looking forward to the abundant life that the Kingdom has promised me.  Are you ready to "XLerate" your mind and receive the Kingdom of God?

Prophetess Kelly Jennings
Matters of the Heart