Tuesday, November 24, 2015

One of the biggest struggles a prophet will encounter is "identity crisis.'' For years I fought the fact that God had called me to the 5-fold ministry. As I spent more time in prayer, God began to fine tune my call and assured me to an awesome encounter with Him, that I was called to be a prophet. I fought this because the Office of a Prophet is not well received or accepted in most churches still today.
Today, I encourage those who are called...to allow God to develop your CHARACTER which will help you discover your true identity. In most cases, we tend to want someone to validate us or acknowledge the call that is on our lives. In my case, God prevented this from happening, because He wanted to force me into His presence and deal with me.
-- My past,
-- Every negative word that was spoken over my life,
-- My lack of confidence
-- My lack of knowledge
-- My low self-esteem
-- My feeling of inadequacy
-- And so much more....
I presented all of these excuses to God in order to disqualify myself, just as Moses did.

Yet, God would not release me...instead, He said "these are all the reasons why I've chosen you. I (God) will take the foolish things and confound the wise."
It was here where I settled with the Call and began to become who God said He called me to be. Believe me, when you sit in the background for years...even those who you served with have a hard time accepting what God called you to be.
But because I love God, I had to move in the position in the Kingdom and allow God to validate me and give me my identity in Him.
As prophet's and 5-fold ministry leaders, you will constantly struggle with the Call on your life. You tend to shrink among great people so that you don't 'over step boundaries" whatever they may be.
You will do a lot to pretend not to be ---rather than becoming who God said you are. When we fight God, the Identity crisis escalates and you start to question the call on your life.
Eventually, you will launch and most of the time you will launch alone. This is why I established the "The Prophet's Place"- I realized, If I suffered this, there are many just like me who are struggling just the same.
You may be in the cave, stuck in a religious dogma, controlled by denominations...but God is still calling you forward. What are you going to do about it...Are you going to answer the call or continue to fight the identity crisis?
No more struggling with your Identity in Christ Jesus...break the fear and become who God's says you are.

Consider joining me in Atlanta, March 17-19, 2016 for the Prophet's Boot Camp - cost and more info can be found at http://www.freedomtoliveministries.org/prophets-boot-camp.h…

Additionally, meet me every 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 9pm on the School of Prophets on the Breaking Has Begun Prayer Line
(302) 202-1110 access # 534827#

Blessings to you,
Prophetess Kelly Jennings

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