There's a significant difference of being an outer -court praiser and an inner- court worshipper. Over the many years of serving in ministry, I've seen both. However, it was not until I began to seek the truth about the heart of a true worshipper, did I realize John 4:23 "It's coming a time when the true worshippers shall worship me in spirit and in truth".
The Heart of a Worshipper
A true worshipper is one who does not care about his or her image, man made rules or regulations, or the opinion of others concerning them. There comes a time where a true worshipper will break all the rules to come before the presence of the King and pour his or her soul out to the only one who can do anything about their situation.
In so many cases, we as believers settle for the bodily exercise of praising, which is merely, dancing, shouting, sweating etc…Please don't misunderstand, all of this is wonderful in it's proper perspective. I for one have had my fair share of a sure enough "Holy Ghost" dance and shout and I love it. However, I realized early, as a young single Christian, that I needed more than a shout to keep me delivered from some of the bad habits I developed before becoming a Christian. One of which was my addiction to men. Nevertheless, after many failures in this area in my Christian walk, I finally went to God with tears rolling down my face and I cried out "Lord, deliver me from myself…I don't want to keep failing in this area". It was then, I clearly heard God say to me, "it's not until you move from the outer court and come into my inner court will you find your strength to resist".
You see, I had resorted to just the dancing and shouting as my form of worship towards God. I praised God for what He had done for me. I was an "Outer-Court Worshipper". But I never really worshipped God for who He was to me…becoming an "Inner-Court Worshipper" or what we we may be more familiar with..."A True Worshipper". So I began to study to learn who God was and not what He could do for me. I realized in the Bible that He had given me power through the Holy Spirit to live a victorious life. I realized that God was a forgiver, a deliverer, a keeper, a strong tower where the righteous run into and are saved. God was a peace maker, a joy giver and so much more. All of which I needed, but never spent the quality time in His presence to receive.
I was spiritually dying. However, my constant failures, kept me feeling that I was never worthy enough to come before the King and remain in His presence long enough to be endowed with His power to keep me. Because when I walked out those church doors I needed power to live the life I shouted about. But I didn't know what I was missing. I faithfully attended church, bible study, anything my pastor asked me to do, I was there. But when I was alone, after the church doors were shut...I needed more than the shout, the cutting the steps, the release of the pressure. I needed the heart of a worshipper that would love God while under pressure and not cave into the cry of my flesh…I needed to become an "Inner-Court Worshipper".
This reminds me of the Story of Esther...
The Book of Esther in the Bible is a fascinating book. In it, describes a young damsel who was adopted by a relative (Mordecai) after suffering a devastating loss of her parents. She was eventually "pawned" off to the most powerful person in the region, The King of Susa. Esther Chapter 1 describes the process of which she was selected to become the King's wife. Back then, it was not proper to present oneself before the king if you were not beckoned to do so. If anyone approached the king without his approval, it would likely lead to death, even if you were his wife.
One day, Esther was made aware by Mordecai that someone within her new husband's kingdom had plotted her people's demise. Un-beknown to the King he was tricked into signing a decree to have all of Esther's family and her entire nation of people, killed. What an awful dilenma Esther had to face. She was left with a choice…Do I go before the king without first being beckoned and risk my life or wait and hope that my and my people's life would be spared? Esther realized that either choice was a life or death situation. So she made a wise decision to adorn herself and enter into the "outer-court" of the King's Palace in hopes that He would beckon her to come closer.